Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Cross Country Team Leads Region

Pictured: (front row, left-right) Arianne Keele, Jordan Bailey, Dakota Lange, Nick Hindes, Malachi Dinkins, Dalyn Lowe, Brendon Farley; (back row, left-right) Alyssa Rowley, Rachel Waite, Leonie Bruenig, Heather Reid, Puttida Anotchotka, Kelsey Wood, Brigham Flint, Garrett Esplin, Trevor Alexander, and Dallin Johnson

By Brigham Flint

Cross country is a sport that is not often as publicized as other athletic events. But over the past month, the Payson High School cross country team has dominated in the various meets they have competed in.

“More so than in years passed, our team has caught the vision of work,” said head coach David Rockwood. Thus far, they have been undefeated among Region 12 competitors.

Read the complete story in this week's edition of The Payson Chronicle.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Arnie B's Car Show Benefits Community Action Food Bank While Providing a Quality Experience for Car Buffs

Pictured above, left to right, Jayden Ellsworth, Sam Ellsworth, Arnie Beddoes, Tess Beddoes, and Brennan Beddoes
Since 1994, Arnie B’s Chevron has held its annual Car Show during the last week of September.  “We scheduled it at that time so that those who bring cars can experience the beautiful drive over the Nebo Loop, with all the beautiful leaves,” notes Arnie.  The show has become an effective venue for raising funds for the Community Action Food Bank.  “Last year we raised around $6,000,” Arnie said Saturday morning.  “We hold an auction in the afternoon that includes donations from many different businesses and others,” he adds.

The show attracts entries from all over the state.

You can find this story, as well as car show features, in this week's edition of The Payson Chronicle

Pictured left, left to right, Audrey, Tess, and Justin Beddoes at the lunch stand

Friday, September 21, 2012

Local Foodies: Show Us What You've Got

Got a passion for good food? And not just on the eating side: the cooking, making, mixing, and the baking!  The Payson Chronicle is looking for the best local recipes to share with newspaper and blog readers. Send us your original recipe, directions, and a photo of the prepared dish, along with a few lines to express how your creation is enjoyed by those with whom you share. For those who blog their recipes and dishes, send us a link to share online. Submissions are being accepted at Please be sure to include your contact information.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Eagle Scout Project Monument Slated for Central Utah Veterans Home

Pictured (scouts,  left-right) Jex Ashton, Gammon Ashton; (veterans, left-right): Terril King, Daryl Davis, Doug Holt, Gary Herbert, Jex Ashton, Gammon Ashton, Ralph Lewis, Bill Brook, and Lynn Boyle.  Photo courtesy of American Legion Post 48.

Veteran’s Corner
by Your local American Legion Post 48

Gammon Ashton of Payson chose an Eagle Scout project that would honor the Veterans that will reside at the new Central Utah Veterans Home currently under construction in Payson. His hard work and persistence culminated with his Eagle project, a stone monument, being unveiled in the Payson Labor Day/ Onion Days Grand Parade.

Read the complete story in this week's edition of The Payson Chronicle.

Memorial Park: A Place for Memory Making

The picnic tables were lined one by one when this photo was taken earlier today. They, much like Memorial Park, have served a community well.   

Memories divine have been planted in the mind of many a guest welcomed beneath the stretching trees of Memorial Park.  Sunday band concerts, the Scottish Festival, Salmon Supper, and Onion Days Celebration are among the more formal events.  Some venture there on any given day, simply for its peaceful atmosphere.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Authors, Autographs, and Photo Ops Part of Santaquin Library's Tenth Anniversary

The tenth anniversary of Santaquin Library in its current location drew readers of all ages, with guest authors, storytellers, and local leaders there to contribute to a sunny afternoon celebration, held September 8. Aside from the book-signing, fund-raising, and storytelling, spread out through the afternoon, locals were gathered together on the east lawn in an effort to replicate a community photograph taken in front of the building in 1901.

Library director, Lyn Oryall was among those who orchestrated Saturday's pleasant celebration. 
Guest authors, Connie Sokol (left, holding baby Bryson) and Rachelle Christensen sign books inside the library throughout the day.

Beverly Kraut making her way to the staircase leading upstairs, wherein family story-time continues throughout the latter part of the day's event.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Skyhawk Volleyball Team 3-0 in Region 8 Competition

Pictured: Ellie Cottam (4), Callie Peterson (7), McKenzie Treanor (3), and Cassidy Adams (16); photo by Todd Phillips 
Read the complete story in this week's edition of The Payson Chronicle, available on stands tomorrow afternoon.

Subscribe to The Payson Chronicle at

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Flash from the Past: Payson Softball

Pictured left-right: (front row) Mike Buys; Jerry Buys, Sr.; Craig Buys; Jerry Buys, Jr.; Joe Peterson; (back row) Steve "Biz" Buys, Eric Stapley, Rick Worthen, Dave Samuels, Brad Olson, Dave Tervort, and Phil Spainhower

It's been a while since this photo was taken. Sponsored by Olson's Garden Shoppe of Payson, the team was in full swing in the 1980s, back when Steve “Biz” Buys was in the thick of his softball-playing days. 

 Have any old local sports team photos that you'd like to share with Payson Chronicle readers? Send them, along with details and players' names, to Michael at

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Best-selling Authors to Take Part in Santaquin Library's Tenth Anniversary Celebration

Utah author, Connie Sokol

Ten years have passed since the Santaquin Public Library relocated inside the historic LDS church house at 20 West 100 South.  It is an occasion for celebration this Saturday, September 8, with best-selling and award-winning authors Jeffrey (J. Scott) Savage, Rachel Ann Nunes, Sarah Eden, Jennifer Nielsen, Rachelle Christensen, and Connie Sokol among notables joining city dignitaries, librarians, and patrons alike.

Book-signing will coincide with the programs planned for the day.  The authors' novels will be available for sale that day, with a portion of sales going to the library.  Their contribution will coincide with programs, prizes, and a group photograph to commemorate the event.

The Santaquin Library 10 Year Anniversary Celebration will run from 11 AM to 2 PM at the library.  The public is welcome to attend.

For additional event information, check out this week's edition of The Payson Chronicle.

Guest Author Biographies:

Jeff Savage - J. Scott Savage
Jeff has been making up stories for as long as he can remember. He is the author of the Farworld fantasy series, the Shandra Covington Mystery series, The Fourth Nephite, and the Case File 13 middle grade series coming out in December of 2012. He has visited over 400 schools, taught dozens of writing classes, and many conferences.

Rachel Ann Nunes
Rachel Ann Nunes (pronounced noon-esh) learned to read when she was four, beginning a lifetime fascination with the written word. She still reads everything she can lay hands on, from children’s stories to science articles. She began writing in the seventh grade and is now the author of thirty-seven published books, including the popular Ariana and Huntington Family series. Her novel, Before I Say Goodbye, won the 2011 Whitney Award in the general fiction category. Imprints, An Autumn Rain Novel, Fields of Home, and The Independence Club, were all Whitney Award Finalists. Her picture book, Daughter of a King was also voted best children’s book of the year in 2003 by the Association of Independent LDS Booksellers. Her newest releases are The Gift of Angels and Line of Fire, and An Autumn Rain Novel. Rachel and her husband, TJ, live in Utah Valley and are the parents of seven awesome children—three boys and four girls. Rachel writes Monday through Friday in a home office, taking frequent breaks to read or swim with her kids. To read about upcoming books, visit

Sarah Eden
Sarah M. Eden is the author of multiple historical romances, including Whitney Award Finalist, Seeking Persephone (2008) and Courting Miss Lancaster (2010). She is a regular presenter at writers conferences, a busy mom, and an avid researcher. You can visit her at

Connie Sokol
Connie is a mother of seven—a national and local presenter, and a regular speaker at Education Week. She is a monthly TV contributor on KSL’s “Studio 5” and regular blogger for LDSLiving online. She is a former TV and radio host for Bonneville Communications, and columnist for Deseret News and Utah Valley Magazine. Mrs. Sokol is also the author of Motherhood Matters, Faithful, Fit & Fabulous, and Life is Too Short for One Hair Color, as well as talk CDs and podcasts. Mrs. Sokol marinates in time spent with her family and eating decadent treats. Visit her website at

Jennifer Nielsen
Jennifer Nielsen lives at the base of a very tall mountain in Northern Utah with her husband, three children, and a dog that won't play fetch. She loves the smell of rainy days, hot chocolate, and old books, preferably all at once. She is the author of THE FALSE PRINCE, the ELLIOT AND THE GOBLIN WAR series, and will be writing the sixth book of the INFINITY RING series.

Rachelle Christensen
Rachelle J. Christensen lives in Santaquin and is a mom of four cute kids. She has an amazing husband, three cats, and five chickens. Her first novel, Wrong Number was awarded Outstanding Book of the Year from the League of Utah Writers and was also a 2010 Whitney Finalist. Her second suspense novel, Caller ID was released March 2012. She is also the author of a nonfiction book, Lost Children: Coping with Miscarriage for Latter Day Saints. For more information on her work, check out or

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Payson’s Ball Fields Praised by Steve “Biz” Buys as His Playing Days Draw To a Close

L-R: (front row) Wes Buys, Biz Buys, Austin Trumell, Eric Loader, Tyler Loader; (back row) Matt Gourley, Chris Bair, Jeff Barrus, Clay Atchison, and Phil Averett

Payson’s ball fields are among the best around, and Steve “Biz” Buys has been around long enough to understand how far the City has come since Payson Recreation’s Softball Leagues began.  “Back when we first started, the very first years of Payson Softball, the games were played at the Junior High School, and there were just grass fields, no home run fences, and just holes in the grass for bases.  The good thing about it was there were no home run fences, because that way, if they hit it over my head, I could just run it down—unless, which happened many times, the morning glory wrapped around my legs and tackled me.”

“Biz” laments that his playing days are now over since a serious shoulder injury prevents participation, but he and all those who play softball in Payson, are beneficiaries of some very fine venues for their sport.
In Steve’s case, a long succession of great softball teams have helped him enjoy his favorite pastime, beginning with Buys Insurance in 1980, continuing with Leo’s Fried Chicken, Olson’s Garden Shoppe (a team that once won 87 consecutive games), Payson Sheet Metal, Pizza House, Rocky Mountain ATV, On Track, O & Y, and the team that takes that tradition forward today, The Dirty Birds.

See photos of Biz and teammates through the years in this week's edition of The Payson Chronicle.  Order your subscription today at

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