Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Fallen Soldier Returns Home

People throughout Utah Valley came out to share their respect for the late PFC Cody Towse during a Dignified Transfer ceremony held this afternoon.  Among local residents waiting for the motorcade carrying the fallen soldier near the entrance of his hometown, Elk Ridge, were (pictured left-right): Katie Cook Lamb, Anne Cooke, and Courtney Oliver.

Flags lined the streets into and through Elk Ridge and communities along the road home.

Utah State Troopers were among the motorcade today.

Nebo Philharmonic Concert Set for June 8 at Peteetneet

Peteetneet Museum and Cultural Arts Center in Payson, Utah (photo: The Payson Chronicle)
Written by L. Dee Stevenson

The Nebo Philharmonic Orchestra recently adopted the Peteetneet Museum and Cultural Arts Center as their new home. To show their appreciation to the Peteetneet, they are presenting a concert that is free to the public. The concert will be held on Saturday, June 8 between 4:00 and 6:00 PM in the Peteetneet Amphitheater. This concert will be a fundraiser for the Peteetneet and donations will be accepted.

The concerts will be “A Musical Tour of Europe.” The Philharmonic will perform musical selections from Germany, England and Russia. Don’t miss this outstanding performance by this group of talented musicians.

The Peteetneet Museum is happy to welcome The Nebo Philharmonic Orchestra to Payson and the Peteetneet. This concert is an opportunity to take part in the local introduction of this orchestra to the community.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Dignified Transfer Ceremony for Specialist Cody Towse

On behalf of the Towse Family, their neighbor Todd Phillips reports that a Dignified Transfer ceremony will take place at Noon today, Wednesday, May 29, 2013, followed by a military procession from the Provo airport to the Towse home in Elk Ridge. The route will travel down I-15 to Spanish Fork and on through Spanish Fork Main Street and south through Salem and along Elk Ridge Drive to the Towse home at 234 South Shayda Circle in Elk Ridge, where a closed casket viewing will be held until 6 p.m. Another viewing will be held at their home on Friday evening from 6 p.m. until 9 p.m.

Funeral services are scheduled for Saturday, June 1st, at 11 a.m. at Salem Hills High School in Salem. Burial will follow at the Salem City Cemetery with full military honors.

The family was notified on Saturday evening, May 18, that the status of PFC Cody Towse was updated from missing in action to killed in action. Later that night a call from his commanding officer in Afghanistan came with information that there were multiple explosions. The first explosion caused injuries to a soldier. As a medic, PFC Towse ran to render aid and was involved in the second detonation of an IED. Four soldiers lost their lives in the incident. Cody’s remains were transferred to Dover for identification.

Cody has received a posthumous promotion in rank to Specialist. He will also receive a Bronze Star, Purple Heart, and Army Good Conduct medals.

What is Mt. Nebo Junior High's Visual Arts Teacher Up To?

Find out in this week's edition of The Payson Chronicle.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Fallen Heroes Honored in Payson Today

Local Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American Legion paid homage, Monday morning, to those whose lives were sacrificed at war. Beneath the banner “One Nation Under God,” VFA and Legion hosts, guest speakers, and vocalists evoked a spirit of reverence for those who served at the Payson Memorial Day Program, held at the City Cemetery.  See complete story in The Payson Chronicle.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Fans spent the evening with a few of their favorite rodeo pros last week.  See photos in this week's edition of The Payson Chronicle.

Historic Afghans On Sale Again at Peteetneet

Former PPP president, L. Dee Stevenson with an Historic Payson afghan afghans available for sale at the Peteetneet.

By L. Dee Stevenson

Several years ago, the Peteetneet Museum was was selling Historic Payson afghans as a fundraiser for the museum. The last one of this initial offering was sold several years ago. We were still getting requests for the item.

The afghans were no longer available from the previous vendor. Peteetneet was approached by a local business about the possibility on once again doing the afghans. The local business designed and had produced the beautiful items. The Peteetneet was able to purchase a number of them and we are once again offering them for sale to the public. They will once again be a fundraiser for the Historic Peteetneet Museum.

They can be purchased at the Peteetneet Museum for $80.00. The museum is open from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Come and get a piece of Payson History and also pick up a copy of Payson–Then and Now. We have only a limited number of these books still available.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Friday, May 17, 2013

Doug Monson Art at Peteetneet

Local sculptor, Jeff Wolf admiring the work of fellow artist and friend, Doug Monson, while visiting the display at the Peteetneet Museum.

Pencil drawings, Western, and wildlife art of Doug Monson will be on display at the Historic Peteetneet Museum and Cultural Arts Center from now until June 10. The Peteetneet is located at 10 North 600 East in Payson.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

PHS Coach Gary Mathewson Retires

Coach Mathewson's shares his thoughts in retrospect of a successful career at Payson High School.  Story published on Page 6 in this week's edition of The Payson Chronicle.

Contribution Symbolic of Commitment to Community; "Our Champions" Revealed Tonight

A public unveiling is planned for this evening at the Peteetneet. Reported as a magnificent sculpture in bronze, “Our Champions” is the creation of Western sculptor, Jeff Wolf.   The piece is being procured by Payson City in an effort to preserve local heritage and honor its citizens. Unveiled with it will be the motorized pedestal that serves as the sculpture's foundation. This facet is the creation of Ross Huff (pictured here), which he contributed out of a sense of commitment to the community he loves.

Hosted by Payson City, the May 14 event celebrating “Our Champions,” World Champion Rodeo Professionals, Lewis Feild, Wesley Silcox, and Kaycee Feild, along with Troy Lerwill, begins at 6 PM. Dinner and an auction are among features planned to raise funds, not only for the sculpture's permanent display inside the Peteetneet Museum, but also for charitable endeavors close to the rodeo professionals.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Arbor Day No Average Holiday for "Tree City USA"

Tree Committee members and Payson Royalty listen to a guest speaker at a recent Arbor Day event in Payson.  Pictured (right-left): Janean Dean, Debbie Bushnell, Emily Hayes, and Paige Downey.

Arbor Day is no average holiday for Payson, a community designated Tree City USA. Payson observed the event last week in proper fashion. Three new maple trees were planted in town.

The trees were contributed by J&J Nursery and Garden Center of Layton, Utah. Springlake Elementary fifth-graders were called upon this year to assist in their planting at a park just north of their Payson campus.

The students and their teachers, Heather Balli, Perry Ewell, Ashley Grover, and Katie Shaw, gathered in bleachers at the park the afternoon of April 29. Before the planting began, they got a lesson in trees, the environment, and the event that celebrates them.

Bill Fagergren of J&J Nursery was among speakers that afternoon, sharing tales of Arbor Day's origins and a history on the local landscape as it appeared when pioneer settlers arrived, mid-19th century. He called upon the students to make note of Arbor Day's founder, J. Sterling Morton (1832-1902), and take stock in the necessity of trees. Twenty trees equate to a day's worth of air-conditioning per home, he said, and there are sixty million trees in the United States today, quantifying their value in dollars and environmental impact.

“Our job is to be responsible stewards [of trees],” he said.

The event was overseen by the Payson City Tree Committee. Lead by longtime city employee, Debbie Busnell, with newly hired Events Coordinator, Janean Dean, the crew was comprised of Mark Hyland, Greg Madsen, Justin Openshaw, Blair Andreason, and City Councilman Scott Phillips. City crewmembers, including Brad Pulver, Trino Zavala, Todd Reynaud, and Ashley Christensen joined in the Arbor Day tree-planting, there with the equipment and know-how to lead the kids in the process. Mickey Lane did his part by contributing to the sound-system required to transmit speakers' lessons to the children that day.

Miss Payson Emily Hayes and First Runner-up Paige Downey participated in commentary as well as in a drawing that resulted in a lucky fifth grader made the recipient of a honey locust tree. The tree was slated for delivery to her home by members of the Payson City Tree Committee after the event wrapped up.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Payson LDS Temple's Exterior Taking Form

The exterior is taking form, as construction on the Payson Utah LDS Temple presses forward. Completion is expected to occur in 2015. (Photo taken by The Payson Chronicle on May 8, 2013)

Anticipation Builds Over Unveiling of “Our Champions” Sculpture in Bronze

The Payson City Council were photographed in April with one of Our Champions, Kaycee Feild, after they gave him a plaque recognizing his accomplishments as World Champion. Pictured are: (front row, left-right) Mayor Rick Moore, Councilwoman JoLyn Ford, Kaycee Feild and wife, Stefanie Feild; (back row, left-right) Councilman Kim Hancock, Councilman Scott Phillips, Councilman Mike Hardy, and Councilman Larry Skinner.  

City Calls for Water Conservation as Drought Conditions Expected

Payson City leaders sounded further warnings of a dire water condition ahead. “We are in a drought year,” said City Manager Dave Tuckett, speaking briefly on the water situation at at the May 1 city council meeting.   
“Our reservoirs are down, statewide, not just here in Payson,” he said. “But our Payson Lakes are down.”

The pressurized irrigation system has been turned on and available for use, Mr. Tuckett added, noting, however, that water is limited.

“It's going to be a tough water year,” he said, directing his attention to the public seated in the audience at the evening's public meeting. “So, please conserve.”

Tuckett suggested that residents consider fertilizing their lawns to maintain them as well as allow their lawns and plants outside to “search for water.” Mr. Tuckett noted, “You don't have to water them every day.”

See this and other stories in The Payson Chronicle, available on stands and by subscription.  Subscribe to the Chronicle today at

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

What's Mark Hyland Up To?

Greenskeeper Mark Hyland lent his skills at a Payson City event this week.  Check out our next edition for details.

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City Council Meetings Planned Tonight

Sign marking the Payson City Center on its west-side lawn.

Council meetings are on the May 1 agenda in several local cities. Payson, Salem, and Santaquin are among them.

The Payson City Council will meet tonight at 6 PM. Presentation of Scout Certificates, recognition of the Chamber's Business of the Month, followed by a public hearing on amendments to the FY 2012-2013 City Budget, discourse on the Interlocal Chip and Seal agreement, discussion on authorization of a Municipal Recreation Grant application, along with the FY 2013-2014 tentative budget and scheduling of a public hearing are on the schedule. The meeting will be held in the Payson City Council Chambers, located 439 West Utah Avenue in Payson, Utah.

In Salem, a work session will open the night's business at 6 PM, wherein agenda items will be discussed. Salem City's council meeting will follow at 7 PM. Included on the agenda are a Youth Council report, resolution adopting personnel policy changes, approval of an ordinance amending city code to allow non-residents to dump personal trailer waste water at the sewer plant with permit and to further conform to new State rules on burning, along with discussions on finances and the budget, new city improvements, a new youth program, power, Eagle Scout projects, the sewer, library, Chamber of Commerce, parks and cemetery, recreation, water and pressurized irrigation, bids for pressurized irrigation pipe, and the city shop. The meeting takes place at the City Center, located at 30 West 100 South, Salem.

Santaquin City Council, like the councils in Payson and Salem, holds their regular public meetings on the first and third Wednesday of each month.  Starting at 6 PM, the meetings are held in the Santaquin Council Chambers, at 45 West 100 South, Santaquin.

Salem Crowns New Queen

Madeline Larsen (pictured second from right) was crowned Miss Salem during a scholarship pageant held at Salem Hills High School Saturday evening.  The new Miss Salem is joined on stage in the photo above by 3rd Attendant Taiza Savage (far left), 1st Attendant Sierra Bonny (second from left), and 2nd Attendant McKinley Parr (far right).  Photo courtesy of Malea Uresk.  (See complete story in this week's edition of The Payson Chronicle.)

The Payson Chronicle

In This Week’s Edition of The Payson Chronicle