Friday, February 21, 2025


Highlights From February Payson City Council Meeting

Highlighted February 5 Payson City Council Minutes

Approved February 19, 2025

CONDUCTING: William R. Wright, Mayor
ELECTED OFFICIALS: Taresa Hiatt, Brian Hulet, Anne Moss, Ryan Rowley, William R. Wright 
EXCUSED: Brett Christensen
STAFF PRESENT: David Tuckett, City Manager; Cathy Jensen, Finance Director; Kim E. Holindrake, City Recorder; Brad Bishop, Police Chief; Robert Mills, Assistant City Manager
Travis Jockumsen, Public Works Director/City Engineer Jill Spencer, Development Services Director; Tracy Zobell, Parks & Golf Director; Karl Teemant, Community Services Director; Shawn Black, Power Director; Shelby Bohling, Communities That Care Coordinator 


CTC: Mayor’s Youth Recognition
Mayor Wright and Shelby Bohling presented Mayor’s Youth Recognition Awards.
Public Forum No public comments.
Staff and Council Reports Staff Reports:
RECREATION – Karl Teemant reported the Gran Fondo National Series cycling race event just put out a press release on the Payson series, which will also go out on Facebook. Several locals have registered for the event. The winter programs and upcoming spring programs are moving forward.
Council Reports:
Councilmember Hulet noted there hasn’t been much snow in the valleys but some in the mountains. He would like to see any savings on snow removal go into fixing roads. The first Adventure Days meeting was held today with events scheduled in June.
Councilmember Rowley reported that he, Shelby Bohling, Mayor Wright, Robert Mills, and Dave Tuckett went to the state capital with the Youth City Council. They met with the lobbyist, had lunch with the Lt. Governor, and participated in mock debates. He thanked the snowplow drivers and staff for answering his questions.
Mayor Wright stated the Mountainland Association of Governments (MAG) and the Municipal Planning Organization (MPO) have been addressing the transportation needs for Utah County. There is a national group for the MPO and each year a representative goes back with MAG to coordinate with them. It has been his honor to be the chair for the MPO this year, and as such, they have invited him to go back to Washington, DC from February 8 through the 13.
Councilmember Moss thanked staff who answer her calls and questions. She was excited to attend the Chamber Gala.
Councilmember Hiatt agreed with the previous comments. There’s not much going on.


Public Hearing/Ordinance – Amendments to the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget

Staff Presentation:
Cathy Jensen presented the proposed Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget amendments, which is the first for this fiscal year.


MOTION: Councilmember Hulet – To open the public hearing. Motion seconded by Councilmember Rowley. A roll call vote was taken as follows and the motion carried unanimously.
Public Comment: No public comments.
MOTION: Councilmember Rowley – To close the public hearing on the amendments to the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget. Motion seconded by Councilmember Hiatt. A roll call vote was taken as follows and the motion carried unanimously. 
Council Discussion:
Councilmember Hulet understands there is $3 million more coming in for the Downtown project that take almost $2 million from the General Fund.
Cathy Jensen explained that $8.125 million has been spent on the project with $8 million in grants and $3.3 million from fund balance. The project continuation was not budgeted this year.
Mayor Wright has talked with the city’s lobbyist to find additional funds to finish the project to 500 East.
Dave Tuckett clarified that not having a firm bid on the Library parking lot was a challenge, which came in at $1.5 million and includes all the infrastructure under the parking lot. The city budget $300,000 just for pavement.
Councilmember Hulet explained he has had a little bit of heartburn because a lot of money has already been spent, which great things were done. He would like to look at other funding sources such as Utah County or maybe create a CRA or RDA in the area. It’s another $1.5 million above what the city thought it would cost. The parking lots needs to be finished as well as going to 500 East.
Dave Tuckett noted if the parking lot is tabled, construction may go into the summer and may need to be rebid. The contractor is Red Pine.
Travis Jockumsen explained that the library parking lot is expensive because the Peteetneet Creek runs on top of the sewer. The creek will need to be repiped through the parking lot, replace the sewer, and add a water line. Everything underneath needs to be replaced.
Councilmember Hulet suggested completing the parking lot as a priority and then do the street later if additional funding is received.
Councilmember Rowley questioned the lobbyist increase, selling the old golf carts, and the fire truck.
Dave Tuckett explained that the lobbyist is the same as approved before. A new contract was approved and this is the budget adjustment.
Tracy Zobell stated the old carts are bought back by the company and included in the new purchase.
Cathy Jensen explained that the fire truck was budgeted last year. Prepayments have been made through revolving loan because the exact cost was unknown. This is the same scenario with the ambulance; the city doesn’t know when it will be ready.
Dave Tuckett clarified the fire truck is ready and needs to be driven back. The price is locked in now.
MOTION: Councilmember Hulet – To approve the (ordinance) Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget amendments subject to doing just enough funds for the library parking lot and find other funding sources to go from 300 South to 500 South. Motion dies for no second.
Further Council Discussion:
Discussion regarding the street bid will go up in cost. Allowing the contractor to start on the parking lots while looking for additional funds. Other streets may be in more need of reconstruction. Just table the street portion so another public hearing isn’t needed.
MOTION: Councilmember Hulet – To approve the (ordinance) Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget amendments with funds to do the parking lot and tabling the funds from 300 South to 500 South on Main Street and look for additional funding sources for a couple of weeks. Motion seconded by Councilmember Rowley. A roll call vote was taken as follows and the motion carried unanimously. 

Resolution – Utah County Interlocal Agreement regarding the High Line Canal Project Trail Head 

Staff Presentation: Dave Tuckett stated this agreement deals with the Vincent property, which the purchase has been closed. Utah County will pay half. The park will be constructed in 2028 with an additional agreement with Utah County. The City will maintain the park once built.
Council Discussion: Councilmember Rowley stated this is a great asset for this area.
MOTION: Councilmember Rowley – To approve the (resolution) Utah County Interlocal agreement regarding the High Line Canal Project Trail Head. Motion seconded by Councilmember Moss. A roll call vote was taken as follows and the motion carried unanimously.
Ordinance – Amendments to Titles 1.08.040 When Ordinances Take Effect-Publication Proof and 2.24.010 Ordinances
Staff Presentation: Dave Tuckett stated when the city passed an ordinance, it didn’t become effective until published in the newspaper because of the requirement in the city code. The state code moved away from newspaper publishing a few years ago. These amendments modify the city code to align with the Utah Code. Publication is now just on the city and state websites and at the city center. These amendments are just cleanup to make the city code consistent with state code.
MOTION: Councilmember Hulet – To approve the (ordinance) amendments to Titles 1.08.040 When Ordinances Take Effect-Publication Proof and 2.24.010 Ordinances. Motion seconded by Councilmember Moss. A roll call vote was taken as follows and the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION: Councilmember Rowley – To adjourn the regular meeting and go into closed session on February 5, 2025, at 6:36 to discuss the purchase, exchange, sale, or lease of real property. Motion seconded by Councilmember Hiatt. A roll call vote was taken as follows and the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION: Councilmember Rowley – To adjourn from Closed Session and the regular meeting OR reconvene the regular meeting. Motion seconded by Councilmember Hiatt. A roll call vote was taken as follows and the motion carried unanimously.

February 5, 2025 Meeting:


February 19, 2025 Meeting:


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

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Thursday, February 6, 2025

Mourning The Passing Of Our Friend

What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. 

All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.” 

~ Helen Keller

Wilford G. Pierce “Bill” 

                                         December 27, 1951 - January 28, 2025

On January 28, 2025, Bill passed away, held by his loved ones.

Bill was born December 27, 1951, in America Fork, Utah. He was the oldest Son of Elva Nelson Pierce and Arlo E. Pierce. Bill learned the Pierce ways at a young age and became a gifted tradesman and a successful business owner. He took great pride in both his personal and professional work.

In 1972, Bill married Carol Madsen Pierce (Jody). Together, they began building his legacy. They raised 4 amazing children: Robert, BillieJo, Dallas, and Cari. Bill took great pride in his children and grandchildren and bragged about them every chance he could.  Another thing Bill cherished was restoring classic cars and trucks. He and his family shared many memories of working on his masterpieces and showing them off at car shows. His latest project, a 1941 Chrysler Hot Rod, will be completed in his honor by his children.

In 1999, Bill and Jody parted ways. Bill later married Stacy Roper, and his family grew. Bill and Stacy enjoyed many activities together, but their favorite was traveling to Hawaii. We should also mention the many dogs they have loved and spoiled.

Bill is survived by his Children: Robert (Tara) Pierce, BillieJo (Jeremy) Mitchell, Dallas (Dani) Pierce, Cari (Justin) Batty, Jessica (Clint) Eastwood, Marcy (Troy) Robertson, Marlo (Jeff) Smith, and Matt Robertson, (25) grandchildren and (10) great-grandchildren (#11 is on the way), brother Eldon (Joyce) Pierce and sister Cindy (Kent) Childs.

Bill is preceded in death by his parents, Arlo and Elva Pierce, his wife, Stacy Pierce, his sisters, Kathy and Annette Pierce, and his two closest friends, DeVan Pierce and Sam Houston.

We love you, dad! Now it is time for you to rest with the angels and fly with the Eagles. As we say our goodbyes, let us remember, “With great love, there is great pain”, and that proves true with your passing.

You will be held in our hearts and missed terribly until we meet again.

A memorial service to honor Bill will be held on February 22, 2025

11:00 AM – 1:00 PM, Prayer and Tribute at 12:00

Bridal Up Hope Mapleton

The Payson Chronicle