Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Chronicling Local Weddings: Photos Now Being Accepted

Dust off Grandma's picture album and prepare to share your family's legacy. The Payson Chronicle is now seeking wedding photos taken of local couples throughout the years.  Submissions will be considered for publication in a forthcoming exclusive wedding edition.

Please include a summary, 500 words or less, detailing the wedding location, the scene, and participants who contributed to the special day. Email this, along with a JPEG-photo of the couple, to paysonchronicle@gmail.com. Include also your contact information and relationship to the couple.

Submission deadline is March 31, 2012.

Monday, February 27, 2012

'Core' of Santaquin Community Come Together for Thirteenth Annual Chamber Installation Banquet

The fallibility in consistently forecasting Mother Nature's intentions became a narrative to recognizing the universal fallacies of human nature by Santaquin Chamber Installation Banquet guest speaker, Kevin Eubanks. The meteorologist and popular KSL Channel 5 weather forecaster proved infallible, however, when it came to consistently sparking laughter from the crowd of local business owners and leaders as he joined them in the Santaquin Senior Citizen Center on February 25.

Identifying the crowd in the room that night as the community's core, Eubanks highlighted the beneficial conditions made possible in of a society that works collectively through difficult weather.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Senate Candidate To Speak in Payson

Dan Liljenquist, candidate for the US Senate, will be holding a town hall in Payson on Tuesday, March 6, 2012, at Mt. Nebo Jr High School,  from 7:00-8:30 PM.

A former state Senator, Liljenquist has been recognized nationally for his work on pension and Medicaid reform. He will be in Payson to talk about his run for the US Senate.

The public is invited to attend and ask questions.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Underage Drinking Topic of March 29 Town Hall Meeting

Communities That Care coordinator, Kim Lefler, with a memento symbolizing the perils of substance abuse.  The photo was taken in her office inside the Payson City administrative building  in October 2011. 

Underage drinking is the focus of an upcoming town hall meeting hosted by Communities That Care of Payson. The event will be held in the Payson High School Auditorium on March 29, from 7-8:30 PM. Parents Empowered is scheduled to present, according to Communities That Care coordinator, Kim Lefler.

Affiliated with the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, Communities That Care is a coalition-based prevention program that enlists local stakeholders as engaged participants. Through education and consultation, these influential community members are kept apprised of current research on problem behavior, such as substance abuse, delinquency, and violence, as well as given tools by which they might effect change.

Payson City's partnership with the program began last year.

According to Lefler, a Take Back Event is also in the works. Slated for April 28, from 10-2 PM at Payson Market, “people can bring their unused prescription medication for safe disposal,” she said.

LDS Missionary Announcement: Clinton Wayne Brown

Clinton Wayne Brown has been called and assigned to labor in the Peru Lima North Mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He will be speaking in Sacrament meeting on February 26, 2012, in the West Mountain Fourth Ward, at 9 AM. The church is located at 10400 South 5237 West, Payson (West Mountain).

Clint is the son of Joel and Marcine Brown of Payson, Utah. He is the grandson of Mary Jean Brown and the late Wayne Brown of Payson, and Corwin and Martha Hancock of Bountiful, Utah.

Please come to our home for refreshments immediately following Sacrament meeting. We are at 7685 South 5600 West, Payson.

LDS Missionary Announcement: Tyler William Rebol

Elder Tyler William Rebol has been called to serve as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He will labor in the Texas Dallas Mission.  He will give his missionary farewell talk on February 26th, 2012, 1 PM at the Payson Seventh Ward, located at 1138 East 100 South, Payson, UT. His parents are Shasta and John Rebol.

We are very proud of you Tyler! This will be the best two years of your life!
Your family

Monday, February 20, 2012

Salem Hills High Lady Skyhawks Blast East 71-28 in First Round of 4A State Basketball Tournament

Pictured: Jerika Dufey (00), Kiley Williams (20), and Lyssa Hanks (54) 
At Salt Lake Community College, the Lady Skyhawks were too quick for their East High opponents, and after a relatively slow start, went on to a 71-28 rout.  Hailey Ingram, Lyssa Hanks, Brooke Ford, and Missy Belliston led the Salem Hills scoring attack.

Next up for the Lady Skyhawks will be Mountain Crest on Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. at SLCC in the quarterfinals.  Mountain Crest defeated Hillcrest 60-35 in the game preceding that of Salem Hills and East.

2012 Nebo Relay for Life Off to a “Magical” Start

Local Relay For Life organizers (pictured left-right): Diane Sebring, Stephanie Prettyman, Erika Ward, Meagan Warren, Event Chair Lorene Moore, Kelly Mitchell, Cheri Jeffs, and Jarom Thurston

The 2012 Nebo Relay For Life season kicked off with a celebration of the “Magic of Relay” Thursday evening in the Payson City Banquet Hall. Twenty-two teams have already signed up to participate in this year's event, according to Lorene Moore, Event Chair. And the participation is growing.

Relay For Life raises funds for everything from cancer research to family support for patients battling cancer. The program is affiliated with the American Cancer Society.

We are grateful to all who attended Thursday's celebration,” said Lorene Moore, Event Chair. “If you missed the party, don't worry, we are just getting started. You can become a part of the Magic of Relay and help us create a world with more birthdays and less cancer by going to www.neborelayforlife.org and signing up. Not sure you have the Magic of Relay, email me, Lorene Moore, at eventchair@neborelayforlife.org and I'll be happy to show you how much magic you have and how we can put you to work using it.”

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Three Payson High School Wrestlers Take Championships at Utah 3A High School Tournament at UVU

Pictured (top-bottom): Cole Ford, Zac Loveless, and Jed Mellen 
Seniors Zac Loveless (at 128) and Cole Ford (at 145) and junior Jed Mellen (at 132) won State Championships Saturday night at Utah Valley University in the Utah 3A State Wrestling Tournament.  In the finals, Cole defeated Dalton Harmon of Juab by 6-2 decision, Zac defeated Blade Edwards of Delta by fall in the second period, and Jed defeated Kolby Lloyd of Cedar by 16-0 technical fall.

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Payson Lions Boys Basketball Set for First State Battle in Payson Saturday

Pictured: Clint Bateman (14) and Tanner Newbold (5) 

Having ended Region Twelve play undefeated, the Lions will host Ogden in the first round of 3A State action Saturday, February 18th at 7 p.m.  The Lions have a very strong and well-balanced team, definitely among the favorites to take the 3A State Championship.  Two other 3A teams ended their region season undefeated: Judge Memorial in Region 10, Morgan in Region 11, while Desert Hills took the crown in Region 9 with a 9-2 record, followed by Cedar and Hurricane both at 8-3.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Payson High's Mitch Brown Named Outstanding Wrestler

Payson High School Wrestler Mitch Brown Named Outstanding Wrestler at 3A South Super Regionals in St. George While Teammates Jed Mellen, Zac Loveless, and Cole Ford Join Him as Tournament Champions.  The team heads for the 3A State Championships at UVU this Friday and Saturday.

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Monday, February 13, 2012

Utah Artist Barbara Lyman's Work Featured at Peteetneet

Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” ~ Vincent Van Gogh

Barbara Lyman's tree collection as it hangs inside the Peteetneet Art Gallery. 
A hiatus ended this year for Northern Utah County artist, Barbara Lyman, her paintings once again gracing shows and galleries statewide. And some of the work she produced since her interim is a boon to Peteetneet visitors. Lyman's collection of trees, painted in faintly wistful hues and layered contours, is on display in the cultural center's main-floor Art Gallery through the end of February.

With an eye for the extraordinary, much of Lyman's previous artwork was composed of layers in dreamlike vision, brought together through a mixed-medium technique. It is a style that Lyman has individualized by incorporating antiquated pictures, the middle ages among her favorite epochs, she feels compelled to expand upon. Lyman said she finds some inspiration in her art books. Images that draw her in are then incorporated in collage-style in such paintings as “Persephone” the mythological goddess among them.  It hangs in the art room inside her American Fork home, its frame custom cut and made by her husband.

Lyman's more intricate, ornate paintings were created for her final show as senior at Brigham Young University, which, notes Lyman, was an exhaustive feat. She graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in 2004, and then stepped back from painting for a spell. Stepping back to engage in her passion, she scaled down her technique to complete the tree collection that is now on display at the Peteetneet.  But the aesthetics are no less pleasing. Her painting, “Firestorm,” is a compilation of layers, colors painstakingly chosen to create the artist's vision.  This painting, along with "August," is among favorites she included in the Peteetneet show.

Engaged in what she loves, Lyman paints on wood panels rather than canvass, a practice she picked up while a student at BYU. She prefers also to paint using multidimensional objects as models. “I try to paint from life,” she explained. “I rarely use photos.” Flowers, a common theme in her work, are arranged on vases she keeps in her studio. They allow for a multifaceted view of the objects. Though not exclusively so, she paints them in bright yellow hues using with thick strokes of the brush. Among artists by whom she is most influenced is Vincent Van Gogh. His influence is recognizable in the thick texture and vibrant yellow sunflowers used, albeit not exclusively, as subjects in her work.

I've always known that I wanted to be an artist,” she said, “ever since preschool.” Her father, she said, had convinced her to pursue a career in a field deemed more practical, she added. Following his advice, she took up work as a secretary, helping her husband through school during the early years in their marriage. But she had not given up completely on art. “I went into finance and asked, 'What am I doing here?'” Her deep talent and the passing of time would enable her to pursue her passion. 

Lyman's work will remain on display in the Peteetneet Art Gallery through the end of February. Visitors are also welcome into the Peteetneet, located at 10 South 600 East, Payson, during the museum's regular hours, Monday-Friday, from 10 AM – 4 PM. Additional after-hour tours may be made by calling 801-465-5265 or 801-465-9427.  

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Derek Mangelson Region 8 Champ

Photo: Derek Mangelson (in blue) in finals against Filipe Fifita of Mountain View High School.

Congratulations Salem Hills High School senior Derek Mangelson, the Region 8 Champion at 285!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Large Crowd Convenes in Payson for “A Night On Broadway”

Local actors Nathan Dunford (left) and Michael Carrasco (right) spurred laughter from a full-house audience attending “A Night on Broadway” in the Payson High School Auditorium Saturday night. The duo performed a segment from the highly popular “Monty Python's Spamalot” and did not disappoint. Their act was among other Broadway favorites performed to generate proceeds on behalf of the Huish Theater restoration project.

The Payson Chronicle

In This Week’s Edition of The Payson Chronicle