Monday, March 5, 2012

Jim Griffin Running for Utah State House District 67 Seat

Former Payson City Councilman and local educator, Jim Griffin said that he is excited to announce that he is running for the open seat in the Utah House of Representatives in District 67. This seat is currently held by Representative Patrick Painter.

Griffin has a B.S. degree in Political Science from Utah State University and a Masters Degree in Secondary Education. He has been an educator for thirty years in the Nebo School District, teaching American Government and Politics, U.S. Studies, psychology, and coaching boys sports. According to Griffin, he understands the importance of education and has seen its value and benefits for our youth, their families, and our communities.

He served for eight years on the Payson City Council, four of them as Mayor Pro Tem. He understands how city government works and would be an advocate for all of the current cities in this new district.

Jim and his wife, Ronda, have lived in Payson for thirty years. They have four children and nine grandchildren.

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