Thursday, April 12, 2012

Nominations Now Accepted for Yard of the Week

"No occupation is so delightful to me as the culture of the earth, and no culture comparable to that of the garden."-- Thomas Jefferson
Life is returning to the outside world, as flowers and trees awaken from a deep winter's sleep.

So, too, returns the gardener, reviving the outer dimensions of home to an aesthetic ideal. In an effort to recognize the toil in the soil, the labor to beautify our local communities, The Payson Chronicle will soon feature a different residence accorded the honor of yard of the week.

Nominations for yard of the week are now being accepted. Homes throughout the Payson-Santaquin area, including Elberta, Elk Ridge, Genola, Goshen, Salem, Spring Lake, West Mountain, and Woodland Hills, and areas in between, will be considered.

Residents should submit their nomination by email to,through a Facebook message, inside the Chronicle office at 145 East Utah Avenue Suite 5, or by mail to The Payson Chronicle, PO Box 361, Payson, UT 84651. Please include the nominee's full name(s), address, and contact information.

Please feel free to include a brief note indicating why you've chosen the yard.

Each resident in these communities is welcome to nominate one yard per week throughout the season, but can make a nomination for a particular location on one occasion only.

Those selected yards will be photographed and published in The Payson Chronicle as well as on its blog site,, and will be awarded a one-year subscription to the newspaper.

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