Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Michael “Jenks” Jenkins in Payson Last Friday Night: Aspiring Songwriter from Salem

Pictured: “Jenks” on the stage at Dalton’s

Something that makes “Jenks” Jenkins unique as a local performer is this: he performs mostly his own songs. 
“I’m an aspiring singer-songwriter,” the Salem resident explained as he prepared to begin his gig at Dalton’s last Friday night.  He’s currently working on a CD at a studio in Orfem and writes a lot.  His favorite of the songs he has written is “Waiting on You,” an upbeat indie-folk-type song.

“I’m throwing a benefit concert in April,” he adds, “to help raise money for orphans in Liberia, Africa.  The concert will be on April 6th at Boothe Brothers in Spanish Fork.”

“Jenks” is a Spanish Fork High graduate (2009) and is now working construction and has taken some classes at UVU.

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