Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Congratulations Yard of the Week Honorees: Jack and Lynette White

Sweetly scented butterfly bushes draw fluttering creatures. Ample petunias and an appealing array of other plant life draw the eyes of passersby. The site is the lovely home and hand-creation of Jack and Lynette White, who are honored for Yard of the Week.

“I like lots of color,” Jack said, explaining his approach to the selection of blooms that grow in planter and flower gardens spots. His grandson, Ethan (pictured near several planters that rest on the front porch) loves to lend a hand when the planting begins in spring. This year, their colors ranges from white to pink and purple. Last year, Jack planted a patriotic array of petunias, all red, white, and blue, to honor the couple's son, Justin, an Army Warrant Officer II, who graduated from flight school.

The couple built the home in the winter of 2002 and began the endless landscaping work that spring. A vegetable garden has been among the features. This year, the Whites are tending tomatoes, beans, raspberries, and strawberries along the fence and in a plot south of the home.
Jack has kept the grass growing longer this year, adjusting his lawnmower blade to match a call for less water in a very dry season. Rawling's Lawn and Pest Control fertilized it earlier in the season to give it a boost and help alleviate the need for moisture.

The White home is a welcoming space for not only passersby, but family. In addition to son, Justin, the Whites invite their grown children, Jeremy and Joshua and their families, including eight grand kids there to enjoy its beauty.

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