Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Good Old Days: Anxious Little Feller

by Mildred Olson


“Yep,” said the little feller.  He was anxious to go trick or treating.

His mom had made him a costume.  His sister, just two years older, said she couldn’t tell whether he was supposed to be an Indian or a cowboy. It was easy to tell she was a princess.  

“Yep, it is Halloween.  I’m ready to go,” he shouted.

Their mother had asked a neighbor girl, a 15-year-old, to take them, and she was ready.  They got their “loot” bags and hurried down the street.

Their mom had admonished them to be careful, to only go down the street two blocks, and cross over, and go to those homes. “Be careful of the ditch,” she called out as they hurried from home to home.

Apparently, he didn’t listen and was taunting his sister as he walked backwards.  Yep!  Right into the ditch.

The water was sparkly cold and he was drenched.  Even his cowboy hat was dripping.  The things he had received from the first homes, they had gone to hurrying along with the stream.

Yep!  It was Halloween, and that little five-year-old could only cry and shout, “I hate Halloween!”

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