Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Payson Lions Club Presents Awards to Local Peace Poster Contest Winners

Mt. Nebo Jr. High Art Teacher, Kyle Vincent (far left) and Payson Lions Club President Rhett Huff (far right) with the top three winners of the Payson Lions Club Peace Poster Contest: Cheyenne Jensen, First Place (center, left), Melissa Ward (front), Second Place, and Albie Holt (center, right), Third Place.  As First Place winner, Cheyenne’s poster advanced to the Lions Club District 28T competition.

 When the Payson Lions Club made a call for entries into the Lions Club International (LCI) Peace Poster Contest, one artist and educator responded enthusiastically.
After receiving word of the fall poster contest deadline from Rhett Huff, Payson Lions President, Kyle Vincent, Mt. Nebo Junior High School Art Teacher, soon incorporated the competition into his curriculum.  He engaged students in two classes that he teaches in the conversation of peace-making through art, while encouraging them all to express their vision of “Peace, Love, and Understanding,” this year’s LCI Peace Poster Contest theme, on a sheet of poster paper.
His classes’ participation culminated not only in three students having been selected as the highest winners among the local participants. After it was apparent that each student had rendered a poster that was significant and worthy of praise, all were rewarded last week with cookies delivered by members of the Payson Lions Club.
“I’m hopeful that the kids from Mt Nebo Jr. High who participated have a better understanding of what this truly means and will implement it in their daily life to make our world a better place,” said Jennifer Huff, Payson Lions Club Secretary, who joined the Lions in presenting the awards.
The Payson Lions Club chose Cheyenne Jensen’s work as the first-place winner, followed by Melissa Ward in second place, and Albie Holt as the third-place winner.  Cash prizes are in store for each of these young artists and peacemakers, money that has been contributed by the Payson Lions Club. As the local first-place winner, Cheyenne’s work is now in the running at the District Level, with the prospect of advancing to the final International Level competition.
One international grand prize winner will receive $5,000 and a trip to a special award ceremony. Twenty-three merit award winners will receive a cash award of $500 and a certificate of achievement.
“I feel that the Peace Poster Contest is so good for the kids on many levels,” said Payson Lions President, Rhett Huff.  “First, it gets them thinking about peace in our world when there is so much global conflict going on. I think it’s a great age to get them thinking about trying to improving things in our world. Secondly, there is the artistic lesson. They have to use their imagination to come up with an idea of how to promote “Peace, Love, and Understanding,” and then communicate that message in a drawing.  And as an added bonus the Lions club gets a great opportunity to connect with these kids and they get to learn a little of what the Lions club is all about.”
The results of the district competition are expected to be announced soon.
Published in the December 10, 2014, edition of The Payson Chronicle.  Story and photos by Denise Windley.  For more information: paysonchronicle@gmail.com
Cookies were awarded to all of the students who participated in the Payson Lions Club Peace Poster Contest.

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