Monday, January 12, 2015

Wild Child Sculpture Unveiling Draws Family, Friends, and Fans to the Peteetneet

Troy "The Wild Child" Lerwill unveils a new bronze sculpture, the creation of Payson artist, Ross Huff, as friends and family look on.  The public event unfolded at the Peteetneet Museum and Cultural Arts Center the evening of January 6. 
Seats filled quickly as people filed into the Peteetneet’s upper-floor foyer January 6 for the unveiling of a new bronze sculpture celebrating Troy “The Wild Child” Lerwill.
Lerwill is a six-time PRCA Comedy Act of the Year, three-time NFR Barrelman, two-time Coors Man In The Can, and one of Payson’s own. The sculpture, created by Payson artist Ross Huff, features the Wild Child and bull in intricate detail. Both were on hand to share their experiences with Payson City officials, residents, family, and friends who came to support the PRCA world champion and view the sculpture immortalizing his skill.  
The sculpture is now on permanent display at the place of its unveiling, the Peteetneet Museum and Cultural Arts Center.  If the artist, Ross Huff, has his way, it will remain there for “two hundred years.”

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