Monday, March 16, 2015


Jeff Hiatt (center, with plaque) was honored recently by his employer, Payson City.  He is pictured with his wife, Chris Hiatt (to his immediate right), family, and friends in the community.
Approaching a third of a century’s employment for Payson City, in what can be easily concerned among its more crucial departments, Jeff Hiatt was recognized earlier this month.  Hiatt, Wastewater Treatment Plant and Collection Superintendent, was presented the Thirty Year Service Award by Payson City, with the public he serves, his colleagues at work, and family there to applaud his good work at the opening of the February 4 council meeting.  
“Jeff’s experience and knowledge in the treatment and collection of waste water is of paramount importance to the operation of Payson City and the benefit of Payson City residents,” said Dora Edvalson, Human Resources Coordinator, as she presented the award on behalf of Payson City. “He manages his treatment plant employees with fairness, integrity, and efficiency. Because of the teamwork atmosphere in his department, the Treatment Plant functions economically. “
According to Edvalson, Hiatt joined the city as a full-time Parks & Cemetery employee in January of 1985, before transferring to the Water & Sewer Department in March of 1988.  He worked in water and sewer maintenance until August of 1992, when he transferred to a full-time position in the Water Treatment Department.

In August 2005, he was promoted to the position of Interim Wastewater Treatment Plant and Collection Superintendent, a position he has held since that time. He currently serves on the Safety Committee in addition to his varied duties as the superintendent of water treatment.

“Jeff is known for his dry sense of humor and his cheerful attitude,” Ms. Edvalson said. “[He] works well with other departments and is always willing to lend a hand when needed.”

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