Tuesday, September 22, 2015

UDOT Posts Final Scoping Document Concerning Payson Main Street 1-15 Interchange Online for Public Review

Information was shared and input gathered at a public meeting regarding the Payson Main Street I-15 interchange on March 19.
Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) has posted the final scoping document on the Payson Main Street I-15 Interchange study online for public view. The document includes input gathered from local residents who participated in an open house held on March 19, 2015, in Payson. The event was among procedures conducted as UDOT and Payson City prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS) to evaluate the interchange at Main Street (SR-115) and I-15.

According to an email distributed September 22 by the Project Team, “Using the information collected during the scoping phase, the project team finalized the Draft Purpose and Need. The Draft Purpose and Need lays the foundation for decision-making during the development of the EIS. The Draft Purpose and Need defines the transportation problems with the existing Main Street interchange, and will be used as a guide to determine the best solution to solve existing issues.”

The final scoping document can be found at http://www.udot.utah.gov/paysoneis/

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