Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Friends Recall Traveling with Lewis Feild at the Beginning of His Rookie Season

Pictured: Lewis Feild at the Ute Stampede Rodeo in Nephi, Utah, on a Friday night, July 13, 2007.  Both Wesley Silcox and Steve Woolsey, well-known local bullriders, were part of the night's Ute Stampede Competition while Lewis assisted as pickup Rider. 

Chet Olsen and Mark Jarvis, the former the same age as Lewis Feild, the latter a year younger, recount a memory that will live with them forever: in 1980, they joined rookie cowboy Lewis Feild and already successful Utah cowboy Mickey Young in a self-contained Dodge van with a custom mural painting on the outside and a great stereo system with an eight-track player on the inside, spelling each other off with the driving duties on their way to rodeos in Denver, Colorado; Amarillo, Texas; and San Angelo, Texas.  Find this story and others on the legendary rodeo champion, who passed away on February 15, in this week's edition of The Payson Chronicle.

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