Friday, March 24, 2017

Utah County Commission Meetings Streaming Live

PROVO –Lights, Camera, Action! Utah County Commission weekly meetings are now available to view live online on the county YouTube channel.  While it’s not as dramatic as filming a movie, it is a step forward in the Commissions commitment to open government and to providing access to commission meetings.  Utah County Commission meetings are usually held each week on Tuesday at 9:00 a.m.

To access past meetings or to view a live meeting visit the Utah County website at and under Agendas and Meetings go to Commission Meetings.  Click on the YouTube logo and you’ll be directed to past meetings or live streaming.

The county has been working on researching, purchasing and installing the system for the past year.  Commission Chair Bill Lee has been a strong advocate for more transparency in government and led the move to get the new system installed, His efforts along with strong support from Commissioners Graves and Ivie have resulted in the new system.

In use since the February 21 meeting, most of the bugs in the system have been worked out according to Lee.  Commenting on the new system and the opportunity of citizen to become more involved in county government, the commissioners expressed their hope that Utah County citizens would take advantage of the opportunity to learn more about the decision-making process in the county and the vital role county government plays in every citizen’s life.

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