Friday, November 30, 2018

UDOT Releases Final Environmental Impact Statement for Payson I-15 Interchange

Preferred alternative for Main Street interchange redesign includes improvements to the existing interchange, a new interchange north of the existing one, and a new road connecting the new interchange to SR-198  

OREM, Utah (Nov. 30, 2018) – The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) today released the Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the I-15/Main Street interchange in Payson.

The Final EIS identifies Alternative C-1: Braided Ramps as the Preferred Alternative for the Payson Main Street interchange. This proposed redesign would provide a connection between the existing Main Street interchange and a new interchange about three-quarters of a mile northeast for the Nebo Beltway, a new road connecting I-15 with S.R. 198. Braided ramps (i.e., ramps that cross over each other) would provide a free-flow connection between the two interchanges.

As part of this redesign, Main Street would be widened to five lanes at the interchange and narrow to its current width south of 600 North. Main Street would also be realigned to connect to 900 North.

Several factors contributed to the selection of Alternative C1 as the Preferred Alternative. Some of those include the following:
·         It is projected to have the lowest average daily vehicle delay of the six build and no-build alternatives considered.
·         It combines the benefits of two interchanges- one at Main Street and one at the proposed Nebo Beltway- connected by free-flowing/continuous ramps.
·         It avoids historic properties protected under federal regulations.

The Final EIS also includes minor revisions to add clarity based on feedback received from agencies and members of the public, and responds to all agency and public comments received during the Draft EIS comment period.  

Residents, business owners and interested parties are encouraged to visit the Payson I-15 Interchange EIS website,, to review the Final EIS document and find out more about the Preferred Alternative. A 30-day comment period will be open from today to December 31 for members of the public to provide feedback to the project team regarding the study via email to, or by mail: (Payson EIS Team, 3995 South 700 East, Suite 450, Salt Lake City, Utah 84107).

After the 30-day public comment period ends, the project team will review and respond to comments. A Record of Decision regarding the study is expected in mid-2019, where a final decision will be made to select an alternative for the Payson I-15 Interchange.

Currently, there is no funding identified for construction of the Preferred Alternative. Following the Record of Decision, when funding becomes available, the next steps in the project will be final design, right-of-way acquisition, and then construction.

Members of the public are encouraged to contact the project team with any comments or questions by calling the project hotline, (801) 859-3770, or emailing More information on the study is available at

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