Thursday, July 2, 2020

Queens In The Council Chambers

April Jones (pictured, far left), a former Miss Payson and the current Miss Payson Scholarship Pageant director, introduced the new city royalty last to representatives during the first city council meeting of July, 2020.

Standing next to Ms Jones is 2nd Attendant Elizabeth Petrucka, followed by 1st Attendant Briana Bartholomew, and Miss Payson Natalie Edwards.  

Payson City Council meetings have largely been conducted virtually courtesy of the online conferencing program Zoom since the coronavirus pandemic began.  The meetings now seem to be making a slow return to the council chambers.  Last night, these ladies joined several officials, including councilmembers Brett Christensen and Taresa Hiatt, at city hall.  Meanwhile other council members and city staff participated from their homes and offices in Payson.

This image was taken as the royalty’s introduction was live-streamed to the broader public.
More to come about the new queens and the unique approach they are taking this year as they represent Payson in a historic period of crisis.

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