Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Mourning the Passing of Friends: Forthcoming Funeral Service

"What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.”
~ Helen Keller

 Jual Porter Daniels

Our mom loved the world created by our Heavenly Father. She saw beauty in a glorious sunset or in a small brown sparrow.

She was born in Layton, Utah on September 15, 1927. She became the daughter of Heber C. and Dora Hyde Porter. She grew up in Payson, Utah and graduated from Payson High School.

She married John W. (Jack) Daniels in Evanston, Wyoming on May 4, 1946. The marriage was later solemnized in the Provo, Utah temple.

Mom worked most of her married life at J.C. Penny, Safeway, and the Nebo School District but always made time for us. She loved her home and made it a place we and our friends loved to gather. Our family got together every Sunday night and still did so until the time of her passing. 

She loved the many friends she made while working, belonging to the Jr. Cultus Club for many years and serving as a Pink Lady at Mountain View Hospital for 18 years. She loved and missed the friends she played bridge with. She felt blessed by the many good people in her life.

She knew and loved her Savior. She served Him in Primary, as the Relief Society President of the Park Ward and was still teaching Relief Society at age 90. She served a service mission with her husband in Pawhuska, Oklahoma. 

She was an avid reader. She wrote poetry for her enjoyment and that of her family. She was a published writer. 

Jual was preceded in death by her husband and 1 great-grandson. 

She is survived by her 5 children, Jackie Hone, Scott Daniels (Chrissy), Dorie Hone (Jim), Drew Daniels (Denise), and Jon Daniels, 18 grandchildren, 43 great-grandchildren, and 2 great-great-grandchildren.

A graveside service will be held on Saturday, October 3, 2020 at 11 a.m. at the Payson City Cemetery for immediate family only. Please wear masks and social distance. Bringing your own chair is recommended. 

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