Friday, July 30, 2021

Flashback Friday: Dale Beardall, The Little Buckaroo, And Rodeo Queens Of 2011

Originally published in the print edition of  The Payson Chronicle in the summer of 2011:

Pictured (front row, left-right) are the Dale Beardall Lil Buck-A-Roo Rodeo royalty: 1
st Attendant Lindsey Ivie, Queen Nicole Ivie, and 2nd Attendant Katelyn Robbins. The Santaquin Orchard Days RMPRA Rodeo royalty are pictured behind: (left-right) 1st Attendant Amber Wright, Queen Jessica Ivie, and 2nd Attendant Janelle Robbins, along with Dale Beardall of the Lil Buck-A-Roo Rodeo.

Jessica Ivie (above) poses for a photo with her horse, Rhythm, not long before being crowned RMPRA Rodeo Queen at the Santaquin Rodeo Arena.

Lil Buck-A-Roo organizer and namesake, Dale Beardall helped oversee the rodeo competitions last week, making sure the events went off without a hitch.

Pictured above: Paige Shaw and Mayci Bigler enjoy the show from the fence-eye's view. Pictured behind them is contestant Lindsey Ivie as she talks with judges during the Dale Beardall Lil Buck-A-Roo Rodeo competition. Ivie would later receive the 1st Attendant title.

Katelyn Robbins (photo, above) rode a horse named Cherokee during last week's competition. She was named Lil Buck-A-Roo Rodeo 2nd Attendant.

Showcasing skill on horseback June 14, 2011, were the contestants of the Santaquin Orchard Days RMPRA Rodeo and Dale Beardall Lil Buck-A-Roo Rodeo competitions.

Crowned that night as the new Orchard Days RMPA Rodeo Queen was Jessica Ivie, with Amber Wright taking 1st Attendant honors, and Janelle Robbins chosen to reign as 2nd Attendant. Nicole Ivie was selected to reign as Queen of the Dale Beardall Lil Buck-A-Roo Rodeo, with Lindsey Ivie as 1st Attendant, and Katelyn Robbins as 2nd Attendant.

The new rodeo royalty will reign over their respective rodeos during the upcoming Santaquin Orchard Days Celebration.

The CODE of the WEST

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