Thursday, December 22, 2022

In This Week's Edition: Lucky Pickering: Man Before His Time

 W I S D O M  in  P L A C E S

Shopkeepers and workers stand in front of the Coray-Pickering building on West Utah Avenue’s southside sidewalk. Proprietors (from left) Sid Coray and Lucky Pickering are joined here by the company’s accountant (name unknown), Phyllis Robins Simmons, another man whose name has yet to surface in familiarity, Mel Swain, and yet another man whose name at present is unknown. The window reflection in this mid-century snapshot identifies the shop’s approximate location, on the opposite side of Utah Avenue from the former Independent Order of the Odd Fellows (I.O.O.F.) fraternal lodge at 36 West Utah Avenue, which remains standing today. A furniture, cabinet, and artisan shop throughout its years, Lucky's location of operation would eventually be lost to fire.

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