Friday, June 7, 2024

Be It Fun, Food, Or Fashion: We Want Your Downtown Payson Story

Advertisements appearing in Payson’s weekly newspaper hint at the fashionable trends found in Downtown Payson at Lant & Persson Co. The Lant & Persson company incorporated in 1915 as a “general merchandist business” with Payson as its principal place of business. “The capital stock is $10,000 in shares of the par value of $10 each,” noted an article published in the Ogden Daily Standard in March 1915. The initial board of directors were the incorporators Eph Coombs, W. F. Persson, John Tanner Lant, Reid Persson and John Persson.

The Lant & Persson clothier shop was located at 75 South Main Street. Yummy

Thai restaurant is located in this building today.

Tell us about your memories of Downtown Payson or your experiences in the district. Share your hopes for the future in whatever way is meaningful to you. Email your story to

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