Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Kaycee Feild Wins 2011 World Championship in Bareback Riding

Pictured: Kaycee Feild at left with good friends Steve Woolsey, Traci Bailey, Jerika Silcox, Wesley Silcox, Julie Silcox, and Brad Silcox during a special awards ceremony held at the Juab County Fairgrounds on January 6, 2011, when the Ute Stampede Rodeo organizers recognized the outstanding rodeo cowboys of Utah

As Todd Phillips reported from Las Vegas this December, “Kaycee won the bareback world title, won the average in the bareback, took 1st place a record 6 nights, won the Top Gun award and set new records in the average and the most money won at the NFR for any cowboy in a single event.  Not too bad for 10 days work.”

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