Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Good Old Days: Police Ledger of Old

by Mildred Olson

Resorting to the old police ledger, I discovered quite a difference in the fines for the same offenses from 1873-1890. (Reports are copied just as the officers have written them.)

For April 1873, the following men, names omitted by the writer, were taken before the “Mayor and 3 were fined 3.00 and one 2.50 for Drunkennes and disturbing the peace.”

“1890 – Disterbing Peace was find $3.50. Was arestid.”

“Arestid a male for defacing a bilding. Was sentencd to 7 hours in jaile.” Another fellow was “arestid for defacing a bilding and was sentecid to 7 days in jale.”

A fellow was “arestid for being drunk and was find $5.00.”

Each report shows at least a 2.00 increase in fines over those which had been assessed in 1873. Some fines were much higher, but this is at the first part of April. The police department was established, defining the duties of the police officers, in January 1873 in this small community.

Good old days? Perhaps.  

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