Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Payson Police Report: April 14-20, 2014

Payson Police Report

April 14

A string of vehicle burglaries were handled by the Payson Police Department.  They occurred at 2075 South 650 West, 75 North 200 West, 211 South 650 West, 640 West 200 South, 213 South 650 West, and 596 West 100 North.  Another vehicle burglary, reported the following day, April 15, occurred at 248 South 500 West. Items were reported stolen in each incident. Please be sure to lock your vehicle and secure the windows when it is left unattended.

An officer transported inmates to Spanish Fork 4th District Court and back to jail after their appearance before a judge. Officers also transported inmates back to jail after their appearance in Payson City Court.

Officer contacted the person responsible for three cars parked illegally on the roadside, and informed him that he would have to come and get them.

Police were dispatched to a report of a yelling man. Officer located the people involved in this situation and found it to be related to a verbal argument. Police informed them to lower the volume of their voices when having such disputes. No charges were made at this time.

Police were contacted by 7-11 regarding an abandoned vehicle--a red Geo Tracker, with a Montana State license plate. The manager filled out an abandoned vehicle form and Alexander’s Towing impounded it.

April 15

Missing person report was made. The male juvenile runaway later returned home.
Police were dispatched to a fight, which was verified as a verbal argument between an intoxicated female and her boyfriend. The two were separated and released to adult friends.
Sex offense case was referred to detectives.

While on patrol, an officer located a vehicle parked in the middle of the road with its motor running and found two females inside, engaged in sexual activities. Also found were several open containers of alcohol. Both females were issued a citation for open alcohol containers in the vehicle. The driver was also cited for having no driver’s license. She did not appear to have been drinking.

Officer located two juveniles, who were found smoking tobacco products. A male juvenile was referred to juvenile court for possession of marijuana in a drug-free zone (DFZ), possession of drug paraphernalia in a DFZ, and possession of tobacco.

Lost: A brown ladies wallet.

April 16

A suspicious detail involving three unidentified persons at the complainant’s home trying to sell vacuum cleaners was handled. The individuals stayed for almost an hour and a half, and refused to leave.  They finally left prior to the officers’ arrival. Police were unable to locate them.

Police were dispatched to a prowler detail. A ten-year-old girl was at her home babysitting when she heard a knock on the door, but did not recognize the man knocking. Police responded and found it was a neighbor dropping off another child for the girl to babysit.

Police located two male juveniles chewing tobacco at the high school. Both were referred to Payson City Youth Court for possession of tobacco.

During the week, police opened cars with keys locked inside. They also investigated several vehicle accidents, none with serious injuries.

During the week there were no reports of cows, goats, chickens, or turkeys, just horses running loose, as well as dogs and sick cats. The dogs were running unleashed and one had bitten someone, while a couple were called in for excessive barking.
Police opened a couple of vehicles with the keys locked inside.

April 17

Child abuse with a DCFS referral made to police.

A sexual assault case was handled. Officer contacted the complainant and collected statements from the victim and witness; there is also suspect information in this case.

Assault at Mt. Nebo Jr. High. Two fighting boys were referred to juvenile court.

Officer was dispatched to a vehicle burglary, but found nothing to be suspicious.

Police responded to several vehicle accidents, one involving a bicycle with a baby that got shaken up a bit, but was not injured. The vehicle had barely clipped the backside of the bicycle, according to the report.

April 18

Officers were dispatched to a disorderly offense, first reported as a weapons offense. Summons for charges were requested.

Police checked on a report of a missing female juvenile. Before police arrived the girl returned. She was just late getting home from school.

Sex offense case was referred to city attorney.

An officer stopped a vehicle that showed no insurance and found the  driver had a denied license. A K9 was called to alert for drugs. Possession of drug paraphernalia and a drug without a prescription, and possession of tobacco by a minor were found. Citations were issued to one male for drug paraphernalia and no driver’s license. Also issued possession of the drugs and possession of tobacco citations to a female minor.

Police received a report of horses running loose. The owner was contacted and promised to take care of them.

Police were dispatched to a sick cat found in the reporting person’s front yard. The cat had been run over and seemed to be paralyzed. The cat was taken to West Mt. Animal Clinic.

April 19

Sex offense. Police were dispatched to a business, where the reporting person stated a man had rubbed his hand on her bottom. After speaking with the victim, the witnesses, and suspect, the male was arrested and transported, then booked into the Utah County Jail.

A victim told police and emergency personnel at the Mt. View Hospital that he had been assaulted at Memorial Park. He stated that he did not know who “jumped him” and wanted no action taken.
Warrant. An adult male was located and booked into jail for an active warrant.

Public peace situation. Music too loud. Police responded and the music was heard outside a garage. There was a language issue, but they turned it down, and then closed the garage door.

April 20

Vehicle burglary. Report not complete (no address).

Runaway: A seventeen-year-old female. Information was listed on NCIC.

Report of suspicious activity proved unfounded.

Police responded to a report from dispatch involving a vehicle leaving Mt. View Hospital, driven by someone who had just been given narcotics. Officer located the vehicle and followed it for several blocks, and was unable to get a driving pattern. The vehicle was stopped for a traffic violation and the driver contacted. The male did not seem impaired and was released with a verbal warning.

Police assisted county personnel, where officers were busy trying to corral two loose horses on the road in Spring Lake. The owner was called and retrieved the horses.

Police were dispatched to Walmart on a report of a child left unattended inside a vehicle. Officers responded and were unable to locate the blue Chevrolet Monte Carlo with an unknown license plate.
Officers were dispatched on a late report of theft from Walmart. A female had loaded up a shopping cart with groceries, then left the store, parking the cart next to her car. She put some of the items in the car before she was approached by an employee, at which time she hurried and drove away.

During the week, police responded to several alarms. None required police action.

Be sure to lock the doors to your home and your vehicle when you are away from them. Be sure the windows are secure.

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