Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Good Old Days: It's A Boy!

By Mildred Olson

She was miserable. She felt fat and she looked fat. She hadn't had a good view of her feet for a couple of weeks. She waddled like a duck when she walked. Was it supposed to be like this?

She didn't know. This was her first pregnancy. Up until a few weeks before, she felt healthy and happy. But now she was many days over her due date and totally miserable.

A visit with her doctor resulted in a suggestion that her husband take her for a car ride over the very roughest roads he could find. For several nights, as soon as he would get home from work, he would help her into their car and off they would go. Bumping, jarring, jolting—all she got out of this was a bad aching back.

A call to the doctor. “You have got to be patient,” he told her. “Remember, when the apple is ripe, it will fall from the tree.”

She wasn't impressed. “Please, isn't there something else I can do?”

“Well—you can take a big dose of castor oil.”


Her husband hurried to the drug store and returned with a bottle of castor oil, putting it on the kitchen cabinet as a reminder to take after she had dinner. It worked. Within two hours, she gave birth to a healthy 8-pound 9-ounce baby boy.

The castor oil had never been opened. Just the thought apparently served its purpose.

That was one of the good old days.

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