Monday, June 15, 2015

Payson Receives Funding for Water Conservation Project

Funding for water conservation arrived recently in Payson in the form of a federal grant. City Manager Dave Tuckett reported June 3 that Payson City has been awarded $300,000 in matching funds for a water conservation project.

With limitations on the city’s supplies, Payson leaders have had their eyes set on the installation of meters to measure and bill for secondary water based on use. Additional funding will be required to pay for this project, according to Mr. Tuckett.

“I guess the thought is,”  he said, ”do we put $600,000 worth of meters in and then apply [for grant funding] again, and [install] it piecemeal?  Or do we take the $600,000, bond for the rest?”
Mr. Tuckett noted that if the city were to pursue the project incrementally, the data could be useful as the project is furthered toward its completion.

Other options may be explored. Applying with nearby cities in a cooperative effort was one other possibility city leaders entertained for consideration last week.

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