Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Time to Ride Challenge at Taylor Ranch This Week

Taylor Ranch is taking part in the Time to Ride Challenge this week.  Sponsored by the American Horse Council, the event is a nationwide effort focused on welcoming newcomers to horseback riding and the the Arabian horse.

Taylor Ranch has ten campers joining them throughout the week.  During camp, participants will learn about stable management, grooming, and riding.  They will have visit from the Farrier and see a horse shod on Wednesday.  Campers also get to make a custom photo frame and stick horse.

The event started Tuesday, June 7, and runs through June 11, from 8 AM - 3 PMAt the end of the week, June 11 from 1-3 PM, campers will teach open house guests about what they learned during camp.  Guests will be able to learn the history of the horse, as well as how versatile the Arabian can be.  They will be able to pet a horse and get their photo taken with an Arabian in a traditional native costume.  An Arabian horse exhibition starts at 2 PM.

This is a free opportunity for the public to visit one of the top Arabian breeding farms in the world, say organizers. Guests can inquire and sign up for our July camp or just for Riding Lessons and see our beautiful Arabian Horses.

More information is available at

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