Thursday, March 8, 2018


Pictured: The Payson Silver Band in 1904. The Silver Band had several directors until 1911, when it was disbanded for the first time. In 1914-15 the band was reorganized. The band played at the Pavilion as well as other locations in other nearby towns until about 1918.

In 1890, the Payson Brass Band and the Huish Band consolidated and formed what was to be known as “The Payson Silver Band.” The group purchased a set of seven new silver instruments for a cost of $700. They instruments were paid for by the members in cooperation with the patronage of the public. Over the next ten years, the band performed at many locations from Ogden in the north to Mt. Pleasant in the south. More to come in the next edition of The Payson Chronicle.

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The Payson Chronicle is located at 145 East Utah Avenue #5, Payson, Utah 84651.

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